To confirm that I am in fact alive, here are some hoots from the last little while....
Playing Chopped ...
Lu: One...two...three...Step back! I look at my plate and it's delicious.
After meeting a toddler...
Lu: Hey, you know that little guy was speaking Spanish!
Me: I don't think so, Lu.
Lu: He is! Because I could not understand him.
Lu: Ladies and gentlemints! I gotta tell you something.
Lu: When the baby gets here, are we going to keep him for a bit and then give him away?
Me: ....No.
Matt: You can't hide things under the couch, Lu. That's not cleaning!
Lu: UGH!
Me: What did you get from this talk, Lu?
Lu: I don't know. We talked about a lot of things!
Lu: Where are my slippers?
Me: I think they're in your room. Go have a look.
Lu (dramatic moaning) : I can just not go up and down, up and down!
Lu: Ugh. You is stupid.
Me: Lu, you can't talk like that to me. Say sorry.
Lu: Sorry...that you is stupid!
And a few gooders from Theo...
Theo: Daddy, let's watch Star Wars...while Mama is on a trip.
Matt:.... HAHAHA
Theo: Is a booby trap where monsters jump out and attack you with their boobies?
Me: .....
Theo: Ok, who is your boyfriend?
Theo: Actually no. You have to pick a stuffie.
Me: Do you want me to eat that for you?
Theo: No....nice try.